Do you want to maintain constantly glowing skin, lose weight effortlessly or run marathons into your 80s? While we can’t guarantee you’ll achieve these things, we can say that vitamins play a big role in getting you headed in the right direction for a long, healthy life.

Why You Need to Boost Your Vitamin D and B12 Intake

Do you want to maintain constantly glowing skin, lose weight effortlessly or run marathons into your 80s? While we can’t guarantee you’ll achieve these things, we can say that vitamins play a big role in getting you headed in the right direction for a long, healthy life.

Vitamin D and vitamin B12 are essential nutrients that perform hundreds of roles in keeping our body functioning healthily. They keep bones strong, aid healing and bolster the immune system. On top of this, they convert food into energy and repair cellular damage.

In this blog, we’re looking at the importance of vitamin D and vitamin B12 in more detail as part of our goal to keep you healthy, and perhaps even a little closer to achieving those lofty beauty goals.

If you’d like to have your vitamin levels checked, talk to us. Doctors Express offers vitamin D checks and vitamin B12 shots. Keep reading to learn more.

The Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps you regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body, aiding normal immune system function and keeping bones, teeth and muscles healthy. It also functions like a hormone and every single cell in your body has a receptor for it. Vitamin D may also help to reduce your risk of multiple sclerosis and of developing heart disease or the flu. Some research has further shown that it can regulate mood and ward off depression.

A lack of vitamin D can lead to a loss of bone density, which in turn can contribute to osteoporosis and fractures. Severe deficiencies may cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults (symptoms include weak bones, bone pain and muscle weakness).

Vitamin D also plays a large part in regulating mood. So, if you’re feeling blue, fatigued or suffering from “mental fog”, it might be time to get your levels checked.

Vitamin D is found in foods such as oily fish (e.g., salmon, sardines, mackerel), red meat, liver, egg yolks and fortified products like breakfast cereals. Importantly, the body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin. A lack of sunlight due to bad weather or spending more time at home could mean less vitamin D in your system. Additionally, African or African-Caribbean people may be prone to vitamin D deficiency due to higher melanin levels in the skin, reducing the absorption of the sun’s rays.

Since vitamin D has been shown to reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections, now may be a good time to check if your body is deficient.

Doctors Express can check your vitamin D levels with a simple blood test. If you are deficient, we offer prescription-only supplements to help quickly restore your healthy vitamin D levels.

The Benefits of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 does many essential jobs in your body. It is involved in making red blood cells and keeping the nervous system healthy. It increases your energy levels and concentration, improves your immune system, helps you sleep well and can also help with weight loss.

A vitamin B12 deficiency causes anaemia, preventing the efficient conversion of fats and proteins into energy. Without it, you might face the situation of not losing weight despite exercising regularly and eating well.

Foods like meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs and some fortified breakfast cereals are good sources of vitamin B12. However, since vitamin B12 is not found in foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains, vegetarians individuals eating primarily a plant-based diet may not get sufficient levels of it.

Think you might need a B12 boost? Doctors Express offers no-fuss access to B12 shots for $27. without the need to check your levels first since the body naturally excretes whatever it doesn’t use.

We’re open 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM, 7 days a week with no appointments necessary – just walk in!

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